Pushchair Accessories

Pushchair accessories are available in great variety and ranges to give your baby the best lifestyle travel system. These accessories are very easy to use and come in handy especially when you need to take your baby out for long distances by public transport or in your personal car. Some of the most commonly sought after pushchair accessories are:
Footmuffs – Footmuffs are also known as cozy toes or buggy snuggles. These help provide a good foot rest to the baby especially when he sits up.
Buggy boards – Buggy boards help your child to stand on a single buggy board that is fixed behind the pushchair. You can also purchase a buggy push chair that can be fixed to the back wheels and those that come with an umbrella covering to protect your baby from heat and cold. These buggies are also dust resistant and are extremely hygienic.
Rain cover – A rain cover is used to keep your infant dry during rainy season and alternatively you can use a rain cape as it is light weight and come in a zip up model. A rain cover or a rain cape is highly preferred and recommended to protect your child from unexpected and unseasonal rains.
Fleece Lambskins- These are used to protect the toddler from heat during summer season as well as cold during the winters. They fit well into car seats too.